
How to Make Sense of Proactive Engagement Marketing

Marketing | Technology

We all know there are countless benefits to be had from taking a proactive approach to marketing, but where does proactive engagement marketing come into the mix? What is it? And why should businesses be tuning into it?

No matter where you look or what you read, there’s no getting away from proactive engagement. It’s not just simply a new tactic, it’s a tactic that’s widely reported to be the future of all customer outreach marketing activity. So, if you happen to be among the very few who haven’t heard about it yet, you might want to start genning up on it right now…

Being proactive – on a whole new scale

Proactive engagement involves being able to anticipate and respond to customers’ needs on a greater scale than ever before. This form of proactive marketing is about generating the response you want by remodelling the customer experience using technology.

Broadly speaking, customer journeys are monitored and the insights from the monitoring is used to trigger a response of some sorts. The response could be anything, from redeeming a voucher, to taking part in a webinar. The important thing is that it’s done at the right time, so the customer gets the maximum possible value from the trigger.

Technology + active data = effective marketing

In this day and age, the most effective marketing strategies are fuelled by technology and the valuable data that it generates. Take all of the major retailers, for instance, they all use proactive engagement in some form or another to stand out from the noise and generate sales on key calendar dates, such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday and the run up to Christmas.

Sending details of specific offers, or even something as simple as opening times, to customers’ mobiles helps personalise the customer journey and, more importantly, lets customers know what you’re offering.

Making sense of proactive engagement

Here at Make Agency, proactive engagement is integral to each and every marketing strategy we develop, so much so, that we’ve created a new offering all around it.

Make Sense involves us working with key data analysts and business intelligence experts to fully understand the characteristics and buyer behaviours for every new client we work with. And it involves everything we do, from designing a new website, right through to creating and implementing a social media campaign.

How does Make Sense work?

Got any questions or want to find out more about how you to improve your website? Make contact with us today by calling 020 3567 0860 or emailing hi@makeagency.co.uk.