It’s Time for Your Business to go Mobile!
TechnologyIt’s official: mobile is the way forward. Previously mobile phones were getting smaller; now they are getting bigger. Tablets sales are rising. We spend a lot of our lives waiting around, whether it be a long train journey to work, or simply waiting for our food to arrive at a café, and we need something to occupy ourselves with. So it makes perfect sense that people are doing an increasing amount of their Internet surfing through mobile devices.
Last year, mobile devices accounted for 30% of Internet traffic. 1 in 7 searches now come from mobile devices. Mobile ad spending is set to be $20.6 billion in 2015. It has even been predicted that mobile web traffic will overtake desktop and laptop web traffic by the end of the year.
So what does this mean for businesses? Well, the main thing to do is upgrade your web presence to fit the mobile generation. The platform fragmentation of mobile devices, mobile operating systems, and browsers means that mobile web access can suffer from usability problems. The smaller physical size of mobile devices limits the display resolution and the user’s operating abilities, which results in difficulty viewing the content on websites who have not adapted their website accordingly. As mobile users are making up an increasing number of your site views, this can lead to missed opportunities.
There is where Make come in. In addition to high quality web design, we also offer mobile and app design services. We will ensure that your mobile website will be smart, intuitive, and very easy to navigate in order to ensure that the user remains engaged and informed during their time spent on the platform. Contact us today, and together we can make your website a key player in the mobile marketplace.