
What to do When Your Website Goes Live

Marketing | Technology

You’ve formed your business plan. You’ve built an amazing website. It’s gone live. Now what?

The work doesn’t stop there. Building up traffic and customers takes time and effort, and often the hardest part is getting started. But follow our quick guide, and your website will soon be established in the marketplace.

1. Make your site SEO friendly

The higher your site appears in the search results, the more traffic you will get, therefore the process of search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial. Either employ a specialist SEO company, or use tools such as Google Adwords to find keywords to target, and edit your content to include those keywords.

2. Promote it via email

When you have launched your website, send out a newsletter to let people know it exists. Create a list of current or potential customers; agencies such as Make can use their data lists to come up with a list of potential customers in the desired industry to contact.

3. Start social media promotion

Set up the company’s social media accounts. Twitter is a good all-rounder, Google+ can help boost search results, LinkedIn is good for B2B businesses, whereas Facebook is a necessity for B2C. Pinterest is also advised for retail companies. Start following relevant people and organizations and posting updates to build your follower base.

4. Start a blog

A company blog is fast becoming not an additional luxury, but a necessity to connect with your customer base. Blog articles are great to post on social media and target keywords for SEO. High quality content is the best way to boost your following online as good articles are often shared and discussed by other users.

5. Create PPC adverts

Pay-per-click banner advertisements can be a great way of directing traffic to your website, particularly if they are well-targeted. You can also pay for your site to appear at the top of the search results for particular keywords. This is also a great advertising tactic, especially if yours is a niche site as competition will be low, meaning lower costs.

Success doesn’t happen overnight, at Make we’ll set you on the right track!